Site Information

The website was created for the company Fiduo. Company name: Fiduo. Legal status: SA. Registered office: 39, Boulevard Joseph II, L-1840 Luxembourg. Trade Registry Number: B56248.


Hosting Provider

The website is hosted by Digital Forest, located at 5 rue de l'Industrie, 74000 Annecy, and can be reached at the following phone number: (0)3 62 02 50 35.


Intellectual Property

All content on the website, such as text, images, graphics, logos, videos, and any other elements, are the exclusive property of Fiduo or its partners and are protected by intellectual property laws. Any reproduction, distribution, or use without written authorization is strictly prohibited.



Fiduo strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information on its website but cannot guarantee its completeness and accuracy. The use of information on this site is at the user's own risk.


External Links

The Fiduo website may contain links to external sites. These links are provided for informational purposes only, and Fiduo assumes no responsibility for the content of these external sites.


Personal Data

Fiduo uses Google Analytics to obtain statistical information about the use of the site by visitors. This tool does not deposit cookies on users' browsers and does not collect IP addresses.



Fiduo uses Google Tag Analytics to analyze traffic.


Modification of Legal Notices

Fiduo reserves the right to modify these legal notices at any time. The modifications will take effect upon their publication on the website.


Date of last update of legal notices: 14/04/2024